“It is not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it that matters.”

Talking about today’s time, one of the most important aspects that tag along in our life, no matter how much we want to detach it, is Stress. Stress at home, stress at work, stress in studies, stress among our friends and family, or even the intrapersonal bonds we have with ourselves. So, as we progress in time, 21st century has given us numerous reasons to be surrounded by stress.

Especially, post the Covid Time, we have understood how important it is to address and ensure the Mental Health of people at workplaces, educational institutions, among peers, and even as an individual struggling to build a career. However, there is never a problem that lacks a solution. The solutions are present just before us. All we need is to spot them and put them to work.

Here are some of the tips that I would suggest one opt for when trying to fight stress.

Find that one thing that transports you to another world

When trying to manage through the struggle of everyday life, we must keep on taking some fruitful and productive breaks. When living through that hectic phase of life, we often forget to take a break. This can interfere with our ability to perform proactively and in a productive manner.

One such amazing break that could help you escape the everyday harshness must be put into your routine. Also, make sure that you enjoy yourself to the fullest when having such a break with no regrets to bear later. For me, one such time that helps me escape the world is the time I spend with my daughter. However, for others, it could include reading a book, watching some good movies, taking getaway travel, and more.

The Last ten productive minutes of your day

Find 10 minutes before you go to bed that you dedicate only to peace of mind. You may do this by watching something funny, or hilarious, which takes you away from how your day was. You can have a creative gap through this recreating activity. And doing it just before you go to bed will help you sleep in a more relaxed manner. Ultimately, it will help you prep yourself for facing the next day with new hopes and aspirations. Above all, you will have a fresh mind and energetic body.

Take Out Time for What You Love

The best way to release stress is by doing something that makes you feel alive. Indeed, there is something or the other in everybody’s heart that they feel passionately for. So, it is important to follow your passion and keep giving some part of your every day to that one activity that helps you follow your heart. Do something that excites you. It could be sports, dancing, singing, or even going out to enjoy some art. So, make sure you take out time for what you love. Following your heart will give you the happiness and boost in life that will help you fight all the struggle that is coming ahead.

It is really important to find those people that you can laugh hard with

Someone has said it right, “Laughter is the best medicine”. And when you have some beautiful friends around, life is certainly meant to bloom. So, whenever you are stressed or feel exhausted following the chaos of your routine, do take some time out to meet your near and dear ones. A good friend can bring cheer to you and also help you stay uplifted in all walks of life. Meet them, have a time together with them, laugh hard with them, and what not else? Be around the people who spread positivity in your life and bring joy to your heart. If nothing, coffee always helps!

At those times when you feel stressed and out of energy. You need to boost yourself up in the quickest way possible. Or even if it is about starting your day with some positive energetic vibes. The answer to all these situations would be “A mug of Coffee”. Hot or cold, sugared or not; coffee is the solution to all kinds of monotony. May it be stress, exhaustion, lethargies, or a sad mood, a good cup of coffee can help you avoid it all.

Therefore, always believe that stress is just a phase of life. It will keep coming and going. However, the consistency that we have put into our work stays. The focus and dedication must not ever lack. And therefore, to curb stress into nothingness, the best ways out are mentioned above in this blog.