About 10 years ago, the very term “woman entrepreneur” or “businesswoman” posed a great threat to the patriarchal society. It has taken us years to accept that women are more than capable of challenging the popular stereotypes that have been established against them since time immemorial. Now, in the 21st century when women are coming up with their ideas and demanding recognition for their individuality and hard work, various businesses can be seen cropping up that are women-led. Not only are these businesses developing and contributing significantly but are also shaping up the larger framework of business forums. This has only become possible due to the unwavering and strong efforts of women despite all the problems and challenges they faced leading their organizations.
Now that we, as women, have successfully built that much repo and brought value to society, it is time that no gender barriers get to interfere with our path anymore. The gendered curve that distinguishes individuals must no longer be practiced especially in workplaces and in business. When we talk about building an enterprise out of an idea, that idea is not gender-specific, it is only approach-specific. Therefore, it is every individual’s right to make progress in the way they want and women leaders must support other women who aspire to take up leadership roles and be of substance.
Being a woman entrepreneur in an unorganized sector which is often termed “male-dominated” and “labor-intensive”, my advice to women entrepreneurs would be:
Knowing your inner drive
Whether you want to pursue a career or build your empire, it must come from within. You must understand your area of expertise and keep up to date on everything related to the industry of your choice. It is correct to be the best at what you do and to keep doing it until desired results are obtained. But at the same time, it is essential to feel intrinsically driven rather than being driven only through blind passion and empty aspirations. You must know what your calling is in life. Also, there are going to be numerous shackles to bind you or even challenge the zeal you so difficultly gathered. But what can help you break the glass ceilings is staying prepared and never losing your strength.
Begin with the right intent and stay confident about your business
The most important weapon in your armory as a woman starting a business should be your confidence and your intent. I have always believed in the fact that the right intent in life can make everything accomplishable. Therefore, doesn’t matter how many struggles come your way, always start your journey to everything what the right intent in your heart & mind.
Also, if you believe you can do it, you're almost there! But the confidence in your work and your vision must always stand upright. Never lack confidence in your approach, no matter who you are representing your idea before. It is critical to maintain your faith and recognize that the difficult road ahead is worthwhile because the world requires your contribution. As women, we can contribute to the development of an innovative business landscape that is diverse, tolerant, unconventional, and seeks to benefit the world.
Know the importance of profitability
Profit is simply the difference between a company's revenues and expenses. The ability to consistently earn profits is critical to the success of small businesses or start-ups. Profitability is critical for a small business because it justifies if a company can secure bank financing, attract investors, and grow the business while ensuring its sustainability. As a young business owner, you must understand the importance of profitability in running your company and devise a strategy to give it the best chance of remaining profitable. Profitability will define a company's ability to expand its operations, borrow money, attract investors, and hire employees.
Have a good team by your side
Having a good team is one of the foundational aspects of a sustainable business. By a good team, I do not mean having talent and expertise, but rather focusing on the more important aspects. A good team is always open to new learnings and skill acquisition. It not only shares the company's common vision but also sticks with it through all its ups and downs. It maintains motivation and a sense of belonging to the company by taking ownership through accountability and bringing fruits to assist the organization in reaching new heights. It is critical to connect with your team to a point where they can freely express their questions and suggestions rather than hesitating to present their views. Continue to train them regularly to keep their skills up to date with the changing demands of the industry. Create an engaged workforce that works hard to achieve goals and objectives and knows how to overcome obstacles.
Make sure you do your homework before you begin!
Before starting, research your industry and know your market well because a novice with a limited understanding will never be able to succeed. As a result, you must be an expert in your field because the market only rewards the experts. Also, don't underestimate your abilities as a beginner too because many entrepreneurs started small but grew to enormous success. They knew the market they were approaching, had a thorough understanding of their industry, were consistent in innovating, and adapted to changing trends as soon as they came.
Therefore, at last, I’d like to remark that keeping your passion alive despite every hurdle is necessary. And, on top of it, what’s necessary is presenting a practical and advanced approach in front of everything.