The past few months have been quite a revelation when it comes to counting one’s blessings and naming them one by one! Starting from an abrupt lockdown which left everyone in state of shock, uncertainty and dilemma to businesses being affected and shut down. Almost all of the industries have struggled during the past few months with the COVID-19 affecting majorly on International business and relations. However, this scenario also gave many an opportunity to strengthen the closely knit bond between people and businesses to support each other through difficult and trying times.
As I look back at these past 5-6 months, I am only gratefully to my wonderful team as well as their families who stayed strong and believed in our vision to sustain through these times. It was very challenging to function as an organisation during these desperate times where everything was brought to a standstill. A lot of the people wanting to move internationally were left stranded, and people grew more focussed towards their health and the scare COVID-19 posed. However, our warriors stepped in between the gap and curated personalized, safe and secure service solution for business continuity plans for various industries and supporting them with safe moving solutions. Unlike other instances, we also partnered with various organization to transport medical equipment and other essential items during the lockdown. Whether it was our partners in abroad or our clients here in India, all of us came together to ensure that each of us are not only safe but uplifting each and everyone during these uncertain times.
Amidst these challenging times, one of our biggest testimony has to be our latest expansion to our new office here in Gurugram, India. It was such an exciting feeling to put up this place and call people back to work. This was a long charted dream for us and the unfortunate tale is that it was realised during such times, where it was always a dilemma to move or not move, to hold back or to move ahead and take the plunge. But I guess I have always gone ahead with my gut and I felt that it was the right time to shift the momentum and reward all of us with this new space after so many years of hard work. At times when businesses were looking to downsize and reduce their expenses, we at PMR, chose to take the leap of faith and upgrade to this amazing facility set amid the Electronic city in Gurugram
This new office is not only bigger in size but also modern and vibrant to help us work in a more co-ordinated sync internally. The vibrancy and the vibe is a big motivation for everyone to get to office amongst such times. Besides being more spacious, modern and comfortable this office is equipped with several states of the art facilities which will allow us to offer more value-added services to our customers, clients and partners and also create an enjoyable work environment for our team members.
Our most favourite space within the office has to be the vibrant cafeteria and the informal sitting space which allows our people to move around in the office and work in a more comfortable setup helping them to be more productive. I would also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all our partners in abroad, clients and customers worldwide to believe in our vision and growth journey. It is only the support of our people which have led us to expand exponentially to this amazing office.
As soon as the COVID-19 scare is over I can’t wait to host you at our new abode!