Roadblocks are some of those impediments in everyone’s journey in life that enable one to outperform and recognize their true potential. Many times, when lost in these hurdles, we feel frustrated, lost, and demotivated. However, looking at the bigger picture, we tend to realize that those hurdles have only made us strong and brought out the best in us.

Being a woman entrepreneur in a male-dominated sector, there had been numerous challenges and roadblocks that led me to a couple of doubts then. However, there has only been a rise in my willingness to prove all such forces, that thought they could stop me, wrong. In today’s time, several roadblocks tend to interfere with the growth of a woman entrepreneur. Taking from my experience, I would like to delineate all of them and how it is better to avoid them rather than letting them thwart your growth journey even in the slightest of manners.

The Stereotypical Abhorrence

Women have since ages been victims of multiple stereotypes that are attached to them, not as individuals, but as female individuals. The gendered curve has been duplicating how women could be denied freedom, access, and exposure in the face of the world. This has stood as a great impediment for women entrepreneurs, even women who want to study, work, or start-up, since time immemorial. The stereotypes have often led women to stop the thing they passionately wanted to go on about.

This needs to stop. Because numerous talented women are sitting out there, consisting of passion and a will to kick-start. But the question, “How?” always finds them entangled. The best way to lent out of all these problems is by ignoring what negativity society has to pass and making the most out of whatever opportunities one can seek. The ultimate objective is to keep going, no matter what people say.

The Feeling of Inferiority

The term “sexism” refers to prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination based on sex. This happens mostly against women as seen in various walks of life. Most of the time, the feeling is not verbalized, but the attitude and actions of your male counterparts can create a sense of inferiority in your heart. You might not feel included or even face situations where you’re treated as unequal. This might not voluntarily be caused by your colleagues but can also be a product of numerous forces that work around at the place of your work.

Being from a male-dominated sector and spearheading one of the leading global relocation companies, I have realized how inferiority might strike a female entrepreneur. In a room full of men, I have seldom had the opportunity to stand out as the only woman in the crowd. But yes, it never stopped me or made me feel I lack in any way. It only made me feel special and helped me strive even more till I made my mark in the industry. And here we are! Bearing the recognition of one of the finest woman-led global relocation companies based out of India.

Therefore, the best way to avoid this is by making bonds with people, sharing thoughts, understanding the ideologies of people, and making a mark among the crowd. By putting your point before others and seeking your individuality and space.

Social Obligations

Despite every hurdle that a woman crosses to chase what her heart desires, society still imposes various obligations on her. This ultimately interferes with her growth limiting her to a confined space. One of the most significant hassles a woman is supposed to bear each day is striking a balance between her personal and professional life.

Even when trying to concentrate on her career and ambition, she is led down by several social factors revolving around her. She is expected to carry both worlds in the best way possible without a complaint. She must not only outperform at work to prove her worth but also stand upright in fulfilling what her family demands of her as a daughter, wife, or mother. Now, even if not wanting to, a woman is likely to fall into a trap while addressing this!

The best way to come out of this is by making balance a part of one’s lifestyle. Any working woman can adopt certain tips & tricks to balance both personal and professional life. Also, it is important for families to be as supportive as possible and help women rise and shine.

Therefore, I hope that the roadblocks mentioned above along with the ways to fight them will help one feel that nothing is unattainable. These roadblocks stay only till the time we let them. Do not let anything overpower your will and passion to achieve anything in life. Also, believe in yourself and the fact that everything is conquerable.